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Tutorials for all users
Writing WFFs Tutorial
Solving Truthtables Tutorial
Solving Derivations Tutorial
Since the making of this video there have been the following changes:
"Line Check Mode" is now chosen on a problem by problem basis,
What was called "Default Mode" is now called "Justification Check Mode", and
There is a new "No Check Mode" where the program allows any inference and justification to be written, even inproper inferences (intended to be used in exam situations and then manually graded in the gradebook).
Course Student Tutorial
Tutorials for instructors
Creating a Course Tutorial
Settings Tutorial
Since the making of this video there have been the following changes:
"Line Check Mode" is now chosen on a problem by problem basis and so is not a part of the settings page
A "Manual Premise Citation" setting has been added. If enabled, premises won't be automatically cited and users can cite a premise (if there are any) using 'pr' as justification.
Adding Students to your Course Tutorial
Creating Problems and Assignments Tutorial
Since the making of this video there have been the following changes:
You can now set an amount of points a problem is worth.
You can set the default amount of points a problem in your course is worth. This value will be used if you leave the amount of points a course problem is worth blank.
Gradebook and Import Grades to Canvas Tutorial
Since the making of this video there have been the following changes:
You can now individually set a grade for problems when you click the student's problem record.
Course derivations with "No Check" or "Choose while solving" will be indicated as "needing to be graded" with an icon of a triangle with an exclamation point until they are manually graded. The site will indicate which assignments, problems, and students need attention.
You can now download a csv for Canvas grades from the gradebook, this will account for any late penalty you apply and any individual grades you have given